Podcast of the Robert Koch Foundation
This is the podcast of the Robert Koch Foundation. In individual episodes we bring you closer to the work of the Foundation and present the winners of the Robert Koch Prize, the recipient of the Robert Koch Gold Medal, the winners of the award for postdocs and the winners of the Robert Koch Prize for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention. Guests are of course also welcome.
The podcast is aimed both at experts from the field of science and at all those who have no specialist knowledge. Scientific research is deliberately explained and classified in this podcast in an understandable way. The conversations in the respective episodes are conducted in German or in English.
All episodes so far:
In this episode, Prof. Andreas Widmer is our guest - he will be awarded the Robert Koch Prize for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention 2024 at the awards ceremony in Berlin this year. The chairman of the Robert Koch Foundation, Wolfgang Plischke, said: "This prize is both an honor and motivation." Because: "In Germany, around half a million patients fall ill with hospital infections every year - over 10,000 of them with fatal outcomes." Andreas Widmer is emeritus deputy chief physician in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Hospital Hygiene at the University Hospital Basel, and founder and president of the national reference center for infection prevention "Swissnoso".
What does tuberculosis have to do with a cow's udder? Nothing? But with zebrafish? Yes. In fact, both have to do with tuberculosis (TB) - just on very different levels and above all because of the common denominator in the form of one of the most important microbiologists in the world: Prof. Dr. Lalita Ramakrishnan. In the new episode of the Robert Koch Foundation's podcast, this year's Robert Koch Prize winner has her say and talks about the world's most dangerous infectious disease, breastfeeding in universities, opportunities and hopes, research and the importance of awards - and much more.
In this episode we welcome Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulf Dittmer – he is the President of the German Society for Virology and Director of the Department of Virology at the University Hospital Essen. His work - in HIV research and also in COVID-19 - focuses on understanding the mechanisms of virus entry, antiviral immunity and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In addition, equal rights in science and the promotion of young talent are important to him - a nice conversation!