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How you can help


In order to continue to fulfill it tasks in the future, the Robert Koch Foundation relies on the cooperation of private and institutional sponsors and donators, in addition to the generous financial support by the Federal Ministry of Health. Help us to promote research and to effectively represent the interests of science and research in the public arena.

We hope you choose to donate, and should you do so, you can be sure that the whole donation amount is used solely to benefit the advancement of Science. All elected functions within the Foundation are performed entirely on a voluntary basis. The Foundation is a non-profit organization. As a proof to your tax office, you will receive a donation receipt for sums more than 100 euros, for smaller donations your account statement is sufficient proof.

Account for Donations
Robert Koch Foundation
Commerzbank AG, Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE66 3004 0000 0144 4009 00