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„I am a member of the Robert Koch Foundation, because zoonoses can only be successfully controlled if research results are implemented within the “One Health” concept.“ Prof. Dr. Lothar Wieler, Robert Koch Institute
How you can help


Do you work in the field of immunology, microbiology or virology active or are interested in the research in the field of infection control? Then we invite you to join our Foundation. Help us actively to support scientists who are committed to the fight against infectious diseases. As a member of the Foundation you are entitled to submit nominations for the Robert Koch Award.

Members of the Foundation are cordially invited to all award ceremonies and may also attend the annual general meeting, which takes place immediately prior to the award ceremony of the Robert Koch Prize in Berlin.

The annual membership fee is a minimum of € 25.00 and may be debited from your account upon request.

Members of the Societies for Hygiene and Microbiology, Immunology and Virology pay a reduced annual fee of € 15.00.

Your contact person:
Robert-Koch-Stiftung e.V.
Sabine Timmermann
Tel.: +49(0)214 – 30 70285

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